I don't have much to write about. We did spend the weekend in Ephriam with Rox and family. That was really fun. The kids played well together.
I was asked by a member in our Relief Society to share something I have learned in Relief Society. Ummm that opens up a slew of thoughts. What would you say? I was able to narrow it down to 2 things. The first is that I am surrounded by silent heroes and that gives me inspiration to move forward. One woman in particular is a mother of 6 kids, 2 girls and 4 boys. Three of her children are diabetic and one of them has downs syndrome. I never see her upset or angry. She is always happy and very pleasant. She is my hero that endures with happiness.
The other thing I learned in Relief Society (which was the hardest lesson ever) is how to be a gracious recipient. When I was first diagnosed with cancer and learned that I was going to have chemo treatments, the RS president confronted me and asked if she could have women come into the house and clean while I was receiving my infusions and bring meals for the next few days. I was extremely hesitant and embarassed that efforts were going to be focused on me. I told her no thanks. I thought I could do it myself. Needless to say she did not accept no and after each infusion I came home to a clean house and meals that would last for four days. This was such a relief and a nice surprise especially week after week as the chemicals built up in my system and I was barely able to stay awake for an hour at a time. I didn't like being the "welfare case," but I really needed the help. Later I realized that this is why the RS was established. In D&C I learned that the lord will call upon us and use us to help in ways that will serve others to further His work on earth. Literally these women were hands of Heaven on earth. I think it is always easier to be the giver, but being the recepient made me realize that people receive blessings by serving. It is not fair to deny them the blessings when you really need the help and support. The Lord knows me well and he sent his saints to help me. Somebody once said, "If you deny the gift, you deny the giver." I am so grateful for a loving and giving Heavenly Father.
10 months ago