Saturday was absolutely beautiful. It was 71 degrees with clouds in the sky. We spent it outside at the Tracy Aviary. The kids loved the birds and Jacinda got her wish, a peacock with his tail feathers spreaded. She kept telling us that the blue peacocks were the girls and the brown ones were the boys. No matter what we said, we could not convience her otherwise. Someday she will learn and laugh when she reads this posting. Just remember honey, that the male peacocks spread their tail feathers to impress the girls.
The laughing kookaburras were a riot. There was about 7 of them and they sat quielty on their perch utnil Tim Fisher came along. He whipped out his phone, youtubed the sound of a kookaburr. Then played the sound for the birds and they went crazy flapping and making noise. A bunch of people came over to see the commotion and started laughing when they saw what Tim was doing with his phone. The man is brillant. Tim can liven any situation with his phone and internet. (I just love it!)
Sun in our eyes and smiling. Sasha, Xadia, and Jacinda
Tim, McCabe and Jacinda posing as birds.
Peacocks shaking their tail feathers for the ladies.
8 months ago