Jacinda's school had an open house. We got to walk around the classroom and look at her wonderful school work. I am so pleased at how big she is getting and all the things she is able to do. Just the other day we started spelling 3 letter words like, "top" and "fun." If you look closely in this picture McCabe has his hair spiked. He is big into having it "stick up." In fact, I catch him throughout the day running his fingers through his hair to make it spiked. What a goof! Tim decided to trim his hair to make it easier to spike. Well he accidently cut it too short as you can see in the previous picture. Nevertheless, he is still a cutie.
This is Xadia's first time in a swing. We like to spend our time at the park especially since the sun is starting to show. We like to also ride our bikes and go on walks. The kids are really big about getting their exercise. Now if only I can get them to eat their food during meal times we will be golden.